Monday, August 23, 2010

Download Fit 4 Life Syllabus

Click on the link below to download and print out the Fitness 4 Life Syllabus

Fitness 4 Life Syllabus

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fitness for LIfe Syllabus

Grade 9 Fitness for Life

Fitness for Life is an individualized, concepts-based, one-semester course designed to give students the knowledge and skills necessary to self-assess, create, conduct, evaluate, and redesign personal fitness programs. It is required of all students and there are no substitutions, including participation in athletics. Fitness for Life may be taken anytime during grades nine through twelve, but it is strongly recommended that students take the class in either the ninth or tenth grade year. The course is a combination of classroom and activity-based learning activities with a focus on proper nutrition and the mastery of skills and concepts necessary for students to become accomplished monitors of their personal lifetime fitness. Through participation, students learn to compare the fitness benefits in a variety of individual and team activities.

Students become proficient in the use of a variety of assessments, measurement devices, exercise equipment, web and community resources, and computer software. Assigned reading and writing assignments, which include activity journals and portfolios, broaden the physical education experience and contribute to the literacy of students. An approved student text or the USOE Fitness for LifeCurriculum Guide is an integral part of the course. Opportunities for academic service-learning are made available to students.

Fitness for Life presents students with the most substantial fitness education they will receive in high school. The teacher directly supervises classroom and participation sessions and serves as both facilitator and instructor working to individualize programs and outcomes for students. Fitness testing is used to establish individual baseline levels for designing fitness programs, to show improvement, and to provide students with personal information. Scores on fitness tests are not used as the primary or only measure of success in Fitness for Life. The FitnessGram and the Presidential Physical Fitness Test are recommended for use in this class.

Fitness for life is based off Core Curriculum developed by Utah State Board of Education and can be found at

What You Need for Class

Required dress for 9th grade physical education is as follows:

- Gray T Shirt (small logo on front is acceptable)
- Navy blue athletic shorts
- Athletic Sneakers (No open toes, crocs, heals or heelys)
- For more information please check with Mr. Lansing or the ELA Handbook

*** For cold weather gear such as sweatshirts and sweat pants the clothing must follow the dress code of gray and or blue***

Fitness For Life ONLY

Each student is required to bring a “Fitness for Life Journal” which is a close covered journal composition book and "Planner" every day to class. Below is a link to the Mead Black Marble Journal that can be picked up at Wal-Mart, Staples, Office Dept or any office supply store.

- Mead Black Marble Journal

How The Grading Works

Grading Procedures for Fitness for Life

Grade Total 100%
- Tests/Homework 25%
- Dress 25%
- In class Attitude 25%
- Health Journal 25%

The following rubric will be used to grade the students in 9th Grade PE. This grading rubric will be used to assess the students throughout the semester. :

A = 100 – 94 %
A- = 93 – 90 %

B+ = 89 – 87 %
B = 86 – 84 %
B- = 83 – 80 %

C+ = 79 – 70 %
C = 76 – 74 %
C- = 73 - 70 %

D+ = 69 – 67 %
D = 66 – 64 %
D- = 63 – 60 %

F = 59 % and below.

Dress – 25% of Grade

The numbered grade will be subject to the amount of days the students wear the required clothing divided by how many 9th grade PE days the student participates in. Please use the following as an example:

In 20 days of PE student X wears their PE clothes 18 times. 18 devided by 20 is 90%, so their grade will be an A-.

If a student has an excused absence their grade will not be effected. Each grade will be updated weekly in an effort to keep track of grades accordingly.
Students will get partial credit for partial uniform. The rubric is as follows:

Full Credit (100%) = Student will receive full daily credit if he/she follows the required dress code for PE

Half Credit (50%) = Student will receive half credit if he/she wears the appropriate clothing but does not wear the correct color (Ex – Student wears t-shirt to class but the t-shirt is black rather than the required gray)

Third Credit (33%) = Student will receive one third credit if he/she does not bring appropriate clothing but chooses to wear their day clothes as an alternative.

No Credit (0) = Student refuses to dress or participate in PE

In class attitude – 25 % of Grade, will be graded each day in class

Students will receive a daily in class attitude grade, this will in include 4 distinct categories: Effort, Participation, Respect of Equipment and Sportsmanship. Each daily grade is subject to what Mr. Lansing views in class and can vary accordingly. For instance, if a student follows every require in the A category except for one aspect they may receive a 95% instead of a 100%. Actions or disciplinary incidents do not cross over from the previous class.

A+ to A- (100% - 90%) = Student will do the following to receive an A+ - A-

- Full effort and participation in each activity
- Follows directions and rules to the best to the students ability
- Respects equipment within the proper context of the activity (Ex – Student is asked to shoot an overhead jump shot. They practice the shot they way it was taught and when finished, they put the equipment away properly)
- Shows sportsmanship towards others (Ex – Compliments and encourages peers throughout the class)
- Brings Journal and Planner to Class every day

B+ to B- (89% - 80%) = Student will do the following to receive a B+ to B-

- Full effort and participation in each activity
- Follows directions and rules but needs multiple reminders in order to finish the activity correctly (Ex – Student talks to others during the explanation, intentionally breaks rules during activity)
- Misuse of equipment and or doesn’t put equipment away (Ex- Student throws soccer ball at peer, leaves floor hockey stick on ground and doesn’t put it away as asked)
- Shows sportsman ship towards friends but not towards others (Ex- Gets upset if they are paired with someone they do not want to work with)
- Brings Journal and Planner to Class 80% of the time

C+ to C- (79% - 70%) = Student will do the following to receive a C+ to C-

- Lack of effort while participating (Ex – Student walks intentionally when they are asked to run)
- Lack of respect to equipment where harm to self or others is the result (Ex – Student kicks a basketball or spikes a Frisbee towards another student)
- Lack of sportsmanship towards peers and or verbal put downs towards others.
- Intentionally not following directions
- Does not bring Planner or Journal to class

F (0) = Students will do the following to receive an F(0)

- Refusal to participate or not partaking in activities
- Does not bring Journal or Planner to class

Tests, Homework and Projects - 25% of Grade

Students will be asked to complete numerous tests, homework and projects throughout the year. The grading of these projects follows the ELA Procedures and Policies and will be marked using the following standards:

A = 100 – 94 %
A- = 93 – 90 %

B+ = 89 – 87 %
B = 86 – 84 %
B- = 83 – 80 %

C+ = 79 – 70 %
C = 76 – 74 %
C- = 73 - 70 %

D+ = 69 – 67 %
D = 66 – 64 %
D- = 63 – 60 %

F = 59 % and below.

Students will be given ample time to complete each task and will not be asked to complete anything outside of the Core Curriculum.

Health Journal for Fitness For Life - 25% of Physical Education / Health Grade

9th Grade Students will be asked to document their physical activity though out the week in their Health Journal. This journal will be used as a primitive way to track and record their individualized fitness program though out the semester. The students need to bring their JOURNAL AND PLANNER TO CLASS EVERY DAY. This grading rubric will be used to assess the students Journal grade. The numbered grade will be subject to effort and accuracy of grade. Each journal will be checked weekly in an effort to keep track of grades accordingly.

Grading is as follows:

A+ to A- (100% - 90%) = Student will do the following to receive an A+ to A-

- Student accurately documents and reflects on their individualized fitness program.
- Journal entry includes activity(s) and duration of activity
- Journal entry includes muscle groups worked
- Reflection is thorough and accurate
- Is not missing entries in journal (excused absences are not counted against)

B+ to B- (89% - 80%) = Student will do the following to receive a B+ to B-

- Student accurately documents and reflects on their individualized fitness program.
- Journal entry includes activity(s) and duration of activity
- Journal entry includes muscle groups worked
- Reflection less than 3 sentences
- Is missing fitness entry in journal (excused absences are not counted against)

C+ to C- (79% - 70%) = Student will do the following to receive a C+ to C-

- Student does not accurately document (what they are doing) and reflect their individualized fitness program.
- Does not or infrequently record activity(s) location and duration of activity
- Does not or infrequently includes muscle group worked.
- Is missing entries in journal (excused absences are not counted against)
- 1 sentence reflection/ no reflection recorded

D+ to D- (69% - 60%) = Student will do the following to receive a D+ to D-

- Infrequent documentation of their individualized fitness program.
- Journal shows little if any direction in their program.
- Does not include muscle groups worked
- Is missing 25% of their journal entries (excused absences are not counted against)
- 1 sentence reflection / no reflection recorded

F (0) = Student will do the following to receive a 0

- The student is missing more that half of their weekly entries (excused absences are not counted against)

If you have any questions feel free to email me,

Mr. Lansing